Why spend the same amount of money on a traditional tub, when you can get the Serenity Tub for the same price?
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MSRP: $1,199.00
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(631) 813-3998

Why we use acrylic.
If you go back to the history in the materials that were used for making a tub, it has improved immensely. Tubs were first made of heavy cast iron and then subsequently of steel. The problem with cast iron and steel is that when you fill a tub with hot water, the materials are heated up first, and all of the heat is taken out of the water. Today, bathtubs are made out of acrylic, which is a pliable plastic that is very strong reinforced with fiberglass and resin. Acrylic with its fiberglass backing is an insulator, so when you put hot water in your tub, it will stay hot.
The flat bottom design of the Serenity Tub provides 26” of flat floor space and 30% more volume than a standard alcove tub.
You can easily place a standard handicap chair in the tub, where it will rest without wobbling. The straight flat wall on the ‘exit’ side of the tub, allows the occupant to stand straight up in a vertical position, reducing the anxiety of reaching over in a wide stance, to exit. And the same is true when entering the tub.